'Taken 2' Fends Off Feisty Caper About Canadians

Welcome to the Box Office Report where the movie about a bunch of Canadians was polite enough to let Liam Neeson stay in first place. Typical. 

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1. Taken 2 (Fox): $22.5 million in 3,706 theaters [Week 2]

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Liam Neeson can't keep track of his family, but he isn't giving up control of the box office very easily. The ol' man recovered from a weak Friday showing to claim his second weekend on top.

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2. Argo (Warner): $20.1 million in 3,232 theaters 

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Ben Affleck's very good new movie about a bunch of crafty Canadians who rescued 6 Americans during the 1979-1980 Iran hostage crisis is doing fairly well. It's also the most relevant our Northern neighbors will be all year. 

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3. Sinister (Summit): $18.3 million in 2,527 theaters 

Ethan Hawke! Remember him? It's nice to have him back and approaching relevance again. It seems like it was just yesterday when he tanked his career with Daybreakers. He was actually off doing the stage thing, but we're happy to see him leading on the screen again. Welcome home, Mr. Hawke. Also: this is supposed to be super spooky. Skip Paranormal Activity 4 and convince your Halloween date to see this instead. 

4. Hotel Transylvania (Sony): $17.3 million in 3,375 theaters [Week 2]

5. Here Comes the Boom (Sony): $12 million in 3,014 theaters 

If you're thinking of watching Here Comes the Boom because someone told you about the UFC and you were finally convinced to maybe give it a shot because that Mayweather-Pacquiao fight is never, ever, ever going to happen, please don't. Don't watch it. Go find the criminally under-seen Warrior and watch it instead.