Take the Kids, Try Pinterest, and Other Travel Tips From Jet-Setting Designer Rachel Roy


Rachel and one of her daughters (Rachel Roy)

We are fascinated by anyone who can infuse their travels into their life and career once they arrive back home, so when designer and entrepreneur Rachel Roy agreed to talk to us, we jumped at the chance to find out what makes her tick. Rachel is constantly on-the-go, picking up ideas for her fashion line and meeting with new charities she is passionate about… and she makes it all seem so effortless that, frankly, we are envious. Rachel gave the Yahoo Travel team some tips on everything from how she records her travels and packs her carry-on, to why she always takes her kids. Plus, she told us about the one person she’s met abroad whom she’ll never forget.

Yahoo Travel: Hi Rachel! We are so excited to talk to you. So much of your work is inspired by travel, and we’re anxious to learn all of your tips. But, before we get into the amazing destinations you’ve been to, we have to know: What’s the one item you always need to pack when you travel?

Rachel: My trick is a blazer. It’s such a double-duty item for me. I wear it on the plane because they are always chilly, and then it doubles as a light jacket or something to put around my shoulders when I reach my destination. I always look for my pieces to serve multiple purposes. Space is so valuable when you travel!

A light cashmere throw works as well. Use it as a blanket on the plane, and then it’s superchic to drape around your shoulders for evenings out!

Related: Why I Book a Small Hotel Room and Other Travel Tips From Drew Barrymore

Yahoo Travel: We love that idea. A few of the Yahoo Travel folks bring extra thick sweaters or hats or scarves on airplanes.

And how about getting around a new place? Do you use the precious packing space for a paper guidebook, or do you use apps or find a local guide?

Rachel: Locals guides definitely. I love the interaction and passion you get from locals showing you their world. Guidebooks are great to get an overall sense of the place you are traveling to, but if you want an insider’s view, it’s worth it to hire a local guide. I love the stories they tell, and you feel like you really have a personal connection with the place you are visiting.

Related: How I Recaptured My Love of Kenya With My Flirty Tour Guide

Yahoo Travel: Other than keeping warm, any genius carry-on packing tips for last-minute trips?

Rachel: Blanket, pillow, socks travel must be enjoyable or why do it? Reading materials, meds, toiletries, one complete outfit. I leave everything in my carry-on except the complete outfit, so I never have to pack my carry-on, it is always ready to go. This helps so much with prep time.

I also find that organization is quite genius. Keep your passport in the same place, have a separate toiletries bag always packed with mini bottles of your products. It takes the stress out of thinking about packing to travel and allows you to really get excited about where you are going.


Meeting the locals (Rachel Roy)

Yahoo Travel: Rachel, you have a beautiful family, but do you prefer to travel alone or bring them along?

Rachel: With my children for sure. Because I traveled so much as a child, I was a citizen of the world before most adults. I would hope my children can say the same. I know sometimes it can be stressful to travel with children, but it’s so worth it to expose them to different cultures, food, environments, and show them how people live and to learn and celebrate the differences that make our world so interesting.

Yahoo Travel: We’ve heard from many readers that they love traveling with their kids because it can also expose you to a different view, not just your kids. So, what would you say the ideal trip for you and your family would be?

Rachel: My girls and I love the sea. It’s where we truly escape, relax, and connect. I try to take my girls on my business trips, as well. It’s important for them to see that side of travel, too. I took my 14-year-old to India on a business trip with me, and she got to experience the rich history of India but also the challenges that people experience there.

Yahoo Travel: Have you ever met anyone in your travels who you will never forget?

Rachel: So many over the years. The one who has stayed with me the longest is a young girl in India who was begging for money. I was just 3 years old at the time, and her essence has stayed with me for 37 years. The fact that my father did not give her as much as I thought he should bothered me, but what really had a lasting effect was the explanation he gave. He told me that her family most likely harmed her so people would give her money. That knowledge at such an early age shaped my life.

Yahoo Travel: And what about places? Rachel, tell us about the cities that have inspired your work and design aesthetic the most.

Rachel: India. The colors, the people, the contrast of lifestyles.

Related: I Sold Everything I Owned and Spent a Year in India

Yahoo Travel: How do you record your travels while on the road? We love your travel-themed Pinterest boards

Rachel: Pinterest is a great place to organize and arrange the images from your trips and then add to the boards with recipes or decor ideas. It’s the ultimate little travel diary. I have a love affair with taking pictures.


Giving back (Rachel Roy)

Yahoo Travel: This has been great! One more question that came from our community and about which we really want to hear what you have to say: How can we, as travelers, give back to the cities we fall in love with?

Rachel: Through local guides, I always ask what is important to the city, whether it’s a charity or program. Then I try to get involved with that, whether it’s donating money or time while I’m there. When you do that, you really feel part of their landscape, and you tend to carry a little piece of that place around with you for the rest of your life.

Yahoo Travel: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and inspiration and for answering our community’s questions, Rachel. We loved speaking with you, and hope we can catch up again soon.

If you missed our live chat, you can catch up with Rachel and her travels on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or on her blog.

Watch: Inside the Fashion World of Rachel Roy

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