Taiwanese Paparazzi Won't Leave Jeremy Lin's Grandma Alone

Taiwanese Paparazzi Won't Leave Jeremy Lin's Grandma Alone

When Jeremy Lin's grandma watches him play basketball from her home in Taipei, she doesn't always understand what's going on. "I only know when Jeremy puts the ball in the basket he has done a good thing," 85-year-old Lin Chu A Muen told The New York Times' Keith Bradsher. But the New York Knicks star has done a good thing so many times that paparazzi won't leave poor grandma alone. Bradsher reports:

The hunger of the Taiwanese media for every detail of Jeremy Lin’s life has proven a problem for his grandmother and uncle, who live together. So many reporters and photographers encamped outside their home in the Taipei suburbs that they briefly fled last weekend to their ancestral village, Beidou, in south-central Taiwan, only to be pursued there by reporters as well.

The two agreed to an interview Wednesday evening back in Taipei only after taking elaborate precautions to avoid paparazzi. This subterfuge included meeting at a cake shop in a nearly deserted neighborhood and then driving a circuitous route in the uncle’s car while watching to see if anyone was following. No one was, and they then proceeded to dinner and the ball game at the Brass Monkey sports restaurant.

Read the rest of Bradsher's interview at The New York Times.