A Tabloid Reporter Is the Newest News Corp. Arrest

The latest arrest of a News Corp. journalist--this one believed to be The Sun's Jamie Pyatt--happened at 10:30 a.m. this morning, The Guardian reports. The 24-year veteran of The Sun, who worked as the district editor of the paper, was arrested as part of the police "investigation into alleged payments to police officers by newspapers." Though the names of phone-hacking journalists usually aren't revealed by police, the department seemed to tip its hand in this arrest: "Scotland Yard also refused to confirm the identity of the person it arrested, but said in a statement earlier that it had arrested a 48-year-old man in connection with Operation Elveden."  Pyatt, of course, is 48, and The Telegraph notes reports that a "neighbour of Mr Pyatt said he was taken away by plain clothed police officers." According to The Telegraph, Pyatt "was shortlisted at the British Press Awards for his revelation that Prince Harry wore a Nazi uniform to a fancy dress party." Some quick Google searching shows that the last two stories filed by Pyatt, on Tuesday, were one on a jailed Facebook stalker and another on 92-year-old grandmother refused alcohol at a convenience store.