T. Boone Pickens: Hillary doesn’t know what she’s talking about

Donald Trump is the best candidate for Oil: T. Boone Pickens

When it comes to Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, “neither one of them know what they’re talking about,” says T. Boone Pickens.

The best candidate for the energy industry would likely be Donald Trump, according to the American oil magnate.

Ted Cruz has stated that he’d rein in the EPA if elected and work to get rid of other regulations and oversights that he says are “endangering” the gas and oil industry, but Pickens doesn’t see him as electable. “He’s not overwhelmingly liked,” he says. “He’s not a real popular guy.”

Some conservatives have expressed worry over Trump’s energy policy. In the past he’s attacked Cruz for taking money from “big oil,” and industry experts are concerned with his lack of specific policy on the topic. Trump's official website explains his positions on the Mexican wall, healthcare reform, and Second Amendment rights, but doesn’t touch on energy policy. Still, Trump has openly criticized New York for its fracking ban and has been endorsed by Harold Hamm, the shale pioneer.

Pickens, who says he hasn’t voted for a Democratic presidential candidate in his nearly 88 years of life, does have tough words for another famous conservative. Charles Koch recently told ABC’s “This Week” that it’s possible Clinton would make a better president than the Republican contenders.

“I don’t know what Charles is talking about,” Pickens says bluntly. “I can’t even imagine anybody making that statement. Hillary has got so many problems. I’ve seen her for 20 years and she really struggles with telling the truth.”