Sweden backs Ukraine's right to hit Russian territory

Ukrainian soldiers
Ukrainian soldiers

Ukraine is authorized to use weapons to launch attacks on Russian territory, Sweden's Defense Minister Pål Jonson said in an interview with the Swedish newspaper Hallandsposten on May 26.

Read also: Ukrainian commander slams German Chancellor for opposing strikes on Russian territory

According to international law, Ukraine has the right to defend itself by "military actions aimed at the territory of the adversary if they comply with the laws of war," Jonson said.

Sweden supports Ukraine's right of self-defense, he said.

The Swedish government should advocate for this position not only "behind closed doors" but also publicly before other Western countries, Jonson said.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson announced on May 22 that Sweden agreed on a plan for long-term military aid to Ukraine for EUR 6.5 billion ($7 billion). The aid is planned for three years — from 2024 to 2026.

Ukraine and Sweden began negotiations on the conclusion of a bilateral agreement on cooperation in the field of security on May 21.

Western weapons' use on Russian territory

Ukraine has been asking its partners for long-range weapons to strike targets deep inside Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory.

Some countries have already taken this step: the UK and France have transferred Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

The New York Times reported on May 22 that after a "sobering" visit to Kyiv, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has urged President Joe Biden to allow Ukraine to use American weapons against targets inside Russia.

Le Monde's analysis of Blinken's statements in Kyiv suggested that Ukraine might have received tacit approval from the U.S. to use American weapons on Russian targets. This comes as UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron announced a $3.74 billion annual military aid package to Ukraine on May 3, with no restrictions on using UK weapons against Russia, signaling a potential shift in Western policy towards more direct engagement.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz reiterated on May 26 his opposition to Ukraine using Western weapons to strike inside Russian territory.

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