Sweden faces hung parliament as hard-Right nationalists gain ground

Jimmie Akesson, leader of Sweden Democrats, celebrates his party's success  - Bloomberg
Jimmie Akesson, leader of Sweden Democrats, celebrates his party's success - Bloomberg

A Swedish nationalist party with neo-Nazi roots made major gains in elections on Sunday, robbing the mainstream centrist parties of a majority and pushing the country towards a hung parliament. 

Sweden Democrats, which has blamed a recent surge in rapes, sex attacks and riots on immigrants, is set to secure 18 per cent of the vote.

The ruling centre-left Social Democrats were in the lead with 28 per cent of the votes, down from 31 per cent in the 2014 election and its lowest score in decades. 

Meanwhile the centre-right Moderates scored just 19 per cent. 

Stefan Lofven, the Swedish prime minister, will have heaved a sigh of relief at the result for the nationalist Sweden Democrats, which according to earlier polls could have reached first place. 

The hard right party, led by 39-year-old Jimmie Akesson, has called for a two-year ban on asylum seekers and wants to ban the niqab, or face veil. 

Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Akesson arrives at the TV-channel TV4 in Stockholm Monday - Credit:  TT News Agency
Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Akesson arrives at the TV-channel TV4 in Stockholm Monday Credit: TT News Agency

Sweden Democrats also claim immigrants put undue pressure on the country's cherished welfare state and are are diluting Swedish culture and values.

If they are confirmed as the largest party, the Social Democrats are likely to form a coalition with the pro-refugee Left party, which has risen in the polls due to its pro-refugee stance, and the Green party. 

The centre-right bloc of parties, known as the Alliance, could unseat Mr Lofven if they joined forces with the Sweden Democrats -  but they have so far refused to do. 

Far-right parties have made significant gains throughout Europe in recent years after a refugee crisis sparked by civil war in Syria and ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and parts of Africa.

Sweden has taken in more refugees per capita than any other country in Europe, a statistic frequently deployed by the Sweden Democrats on the campaign trail as they called for a border shutdown. 

As Mr Lofven cast his ballot in Stockholm on Sunday, heurged Swedes not to vote for the "racist party". "It's ... about decency, about a decent democracy.

And the Social Democrats and a Social Democratic-led government is a guarantee for not letting the Sweden Democrats extremist party, racist party, get any influence in the government," he said.

At the Sweden Democrats' last rally before polls opened, Mr Akesson accused the socially liberal prime minister of prioritising the needs of asylum seekers over Swedish citizens.

"This government we have had now, they have prioritised, during these four years, asylum-seekers...Sweden needs breathing space, we need tight responsible immigration policies," he said.

Supporters attend the Social Democratic Party's election night party in Stockholm - Credit: TT NEWS AGENCY
Supporters attend the Social Democratic Party's election night party in Stockholm Credit: TT NEWS AGENCY

Once a far-right party with links to neo-Nazi and fascist groups, such as Keep Sweden Swedish, Sweden Democrats has undergone a major detoxification campaign.

The group's old logo of a burning touch, similar to that of the British National Front, has been swapped for a blue and yellow flower, while a "zero tolerance" policy on racism has been adopted.

Some voters in Stockholm, a liberal stronghold, said the Sweden Democrats were a welcome shake-up to mainstream politics as they were not afraid to attack immigration policy. 

"They should be taken seriously, they have raised serious issues, not just immigration but health care too," 46-year-old voter Henrik, a doctor, told AFP. 

Prime minister and party leader of the Social Democrat party Stefan Lofven speaks at an election party in Stockholm - Credit:  TT News Agency
Prime minister and party leader of the Social Democrat party Stefan Lofven speaks at an election party in Stockholm Credit: TT News Agency

"It's a problem for democracy if the other party leaders refuse to talk to a party that represents the views of so many people," his wife Josefine added.

"We need to close the borders. It’s what people want - even the Moderates and the Social Democrats. But they refuse to talk about it as an option and we do," Peter Wallmark, chairman of the Sweden Democrats Stockholm division, told the Telegraph. 

"At the moment they are saying they won’t form a coalition with us but that’s because we’re in the middle of a campaign. I’m very confident we will get about 25 per cent of the vote and then they will have to talk to us," he said . 

"I think we could form a coalition with the Moderates. They won’t admit that yet though.

He added: "There is a serious problem with Islamic fundamentalists, and we need to address that."