Susan Miller on Why October's New and Full Moons Will Lead to Personal Reinvention

Credit: Bruno Grizzo

Susan Miller is InStyle's resident astrologer and founder of Her latest InStyle sign-by-sign column appears in the October issue, available on newsstands and for digital download now.

October will begin on a heavenly note. The new moon in Libra that appeared just one day prior to the dawning of October on Sept. 30 is a glorious one, and gives a tone of optimism and happiness during the first two weeks of October.

New moons are not only special for one day, but for two weeks. Think of a new moon as a portal that opens to bring opportunities in one area of life, coaxing you to act on a goal important to you. That new moon entered arm in arm with Jupiter, the great giver of gifts and luck, and that's why this new moon is so extraordinary. Jupiter will bring the element of luck to help you get where you want to be, either personally or professionally. You will notice that people around you will be humming a happy tune, for Jupiter is the great planet of optimism and healing.

RELATED: Astrologer Susan Miller Joins Team InStyle!

The full moon of Oct. 15 in Aries will temporarily cast a shadow, however, for this is a feisty one. This full moon will tightly conjoin Uranus, planet of unanticipated news, triggering a sudden turn of events. At the same time, Mercury will be in hard angle to both Pluto and Mars, two heavy-duty planets, indicating you may feel pressure from an authority figure, whether at work, from within your family, or from another part life. Coming up against this person will take a great deal of energy, and you must be sure your facts are correct if you hope to use them to your advantage. This is a hard moment, but as all full moons do, it will clarify a relationship or an endeavor important to you so that you can see what needs to be done.

This will be one of the most difficult full moons of the year, so keep your schedule elastic so that you'll have the flexibility to go in any direction necessary. Full moons cleanse and finalize situations, and this one will do that, for sure.

All full moons have an influence of four days before and after they occur. Once the full moon has fully waned, you will always enter into a quiet period that the ancient astrologers wrote was the finest period for planning and assessment of current conditions before planting more seeds at the next new moon.

That new moon will arrive on Oct. 30 in Scorpio. That means it would be best to do your meticulous planning from Oct. 19 to Oct. 29. New moons are the time to initiate actions. At the full moons, you reap the fruits of the seeds you planted as long ago as six months or more ago. Each new moon will fall in a different sign as you proceed through the year, giving you a strong clue of where you should be directing your energy.

This next new moon will be in Scorpio, ruling rebirth, transformations, faith, and all mysteries of life. Pluto will be very friendly to this new moon, a fine sign that this new moon will bring positive energy, as Pluto is Scorpio's ruler. Work on re-inventing yourself in any way you like, and you will likely succeed. It is so appropriate that this new moon falls one day prior to Halloween. This new moon will conjoin Neptune, the planet of creativity, so the competition for "best costume" will be fierce this year. If you hope to win, start sewing, painting and gluing yours early In October. This would also be a great weekend to show off your flair for entertaining friends.