Superintendent: Coshocton City Schools making plans for spring fun, future sustainability

As the first light of Feb. 2 dawned, Punxsutawney Phil, the esteemed groundhog and weather prognosticator, made his annual appearance. This year, Phil brought us hopeful news of an early spring, a symbolic start to the new beginnings and growth we are experiencing here at Coshocton City Schools.

Our school community is a hive of activity, buzzing with the energy of students and staff preparing for the transition from winter to spring. Our athletes are switching from winter to spring sports and everyone eagerly awaits more opportunities for outdoor learning and play. This is also a time of introspection and planning for our district. We are diligently assessing our teaching practices, learning experiences and facilities. Our commitment to continuous improvement is unwavering.

In the past three years, Coshocton City Schools has been fortunate to receive federal COVID-19 relief funds, known as ESSER funds. These funds have been pivotal in addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic, allowing us to support our students and staff in numerous ways. From hiring additional staff to mitigate learning loss, to purchasing essential technology and upgrading our facilities; these funds have been a lifeline.

As we approach the deadline to utilize the last phase of ESSER funding by September, our focus shifts to sustainability. We are exploring how the enhancements made possible by these funds can be integrated into our general budget. This ensures the progress we've made, especially in supporting our students' learning and well-being, continues without interruption.

Simultaneously, like others, we've faced the impacts of inflation, with rising costs in utilities, fuel and food significantly affecting our budget. We remain vigilant, ensuring our resources are managed wisely to support our school community.

It’s crazy to think we are heading into the home stretch of this school year. State assessments, spring sports seasons, prom and graduation will be here before we know it. It’s time to buckle down and have some fun.

Mark Kowalski is the superintendent of Coshocton City Schools.

This article originally appeared on Coshocton Tribune: Superintendent: Coshocton City Schools readying for an active spring