Sunday Times Claims Russian Bots Helped Corbyn

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Esquire

An investigation by the Sunday Times has claimed that Russian bots attempted to influence the general election last June by promoting Jeremy Corbyn.

The study, done in collaboration with Swansea University, found 6,500 Russian Twitter accounts tweeting messages supporting Corbyn and the Labour party as well as criticising the Conservative government they faced.

According to The Times, "Many of the Russian accounts can clearly be identified as internet robots - known as bots - that masqueraded under female English names but were in fact mass-produced to bombard the public with orchestrated political messages."

They add, "Academics say the fake accounts identified by this newspaper are just the tip of the iceberg and called on Twitter to investigate fully the true scale of Russian meddling in British politics."

Photo credit: Twitter
Photo credit: Twitter

Of the 6,500 accounts, The Times found that "80% of the automated accounts had been created in the weeks before the vote on June 8 and swung into action at key points during the campaign."

These accounts amplified messages around Theresa May's refusal to engage in the live television debates and used the Manchester Arena terrorist attack to criticise her for cutting police numbers while she was home secretary.

However, critics have been vocal about the veracity of the claims pointing out that it is a leap to assume the accounts were Russian just because their language was set as such.

The investigation also appears to make no credible link between accounts re-tweeting praise and criticism and any impact on voting.

Speaking to The Independent, Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab fellow Ben Nimmo said that it was difficult to prove the aim of these accounts.

For me the key question is: are these commercial bots that someone hired to amplify political messaging in the UK, or are they dedicated bots that someone set up to generate the political effect themselves?

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell dismissed the story as s a “classic Sunday Times smear campaign” and people have been pointing out the hypocrisy of the Conservative government complaining about foreign countries interfering in elections when the Tories have received large donations from Russian individuals.

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