Sunday Shows: Attack Lines Drawn on Ryan

On this week’s Sunday shows, Democrats and Republicans previewed their arguments over Mitt Romney’s selection of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as a running mate. Democrats say Ryan is an ideologue outside the mainstream, who will sharpen the contrast between the campaigns. Republicans call Ryan a bold choice that will result in big ideas and popular solutions.

Lines of Attack and Defense Emerge Over Ryan
Democratic and Republican partisans and campaign operatives used Sunday's talk shows as a forum to hone the lines of attack and defense they have chosen regarding Mitt Romney’s new running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan.

Axelrod Calls Ryan a ‘Right Wing Ideologue’
David Axelrod, President Obama's senior campaign adviser, led the attack on Romney's choice for a running mate, calling Ryan a "right wing ideologue" who was chosen "to thrill the most strident voices in the Republican Party."

Romney-Ryan Campaign Forecasts Major Policy Changes
Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom sought to turn one of Ryan's potential vulnerabilities into an asset, proudly vowing that a Romney-Ryan administration would raise the Social Security retirement age, cut Social Security benefits for upper income Americans and transform Medicare into a voucher system to reduce soaring entitlement costs.

Priebus Begins RNC Push for Ryan
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus took a hard, defensive line on Ryan and the issues that he champions, such as changes to Medicare and the federal budget. Pushed on Ryan's Medicare plan, Priebus said, "If any person in this entire debate has blood on their hands in regard to Medicare, it's Barack Obama. He's the one that's destroying Medicare."

Gov. Scott Walker on Ryan: Courageous Pick
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has not been particularly easy on Romney during the 2012 campaign. But if Walker's latest comments are any indication, he's feeling much better about the GOP ticket now that it features a fellow Wisconsinite.

McCain: Ryan Reminds Him of Palin Choice
Sen. John McCain said on Sunday that Romney's selection of Ryan reminded him of his own game-changing choice for running mate in 2008. Choosing Ryan was "a pretty bold choice," McCain said, just like his pick of Sarah Palin.

Thune: Ryan Choice Will ‘Make This Campaign About Big Things’
South Dakota Sen. John Thune, once mentioned as a possible running mate for Romney, supported Romney’s choice of Ryan as a decision that “shows his desire to make this campaign about big things.”

Gingrich Now Amenable to Ryan’s Medicare Provision

Though he once decried Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal as “right wing social engineering,” Newt Gingrich said on Sunday that he no longer has major problems with Ryan’s Medicare provision after revisions were made.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS Does Not Air After Plagiarism Incident
Fareed Zakaria GPS, a staple in CNN’s weekend lineup that often draws major guests from around the world, did not air on Sunday after host Fareed Zakaria admitted to a plagiarism incident earlier this week.

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