Students turn to art to warn children about vaping danger

Students have been using their artistic talents to warn others about the dangers of vaping.

Thirty-eight students from Hereford College of Arts produced a piece of art through painting, drawing and graphic design.

Two designs were chosen to represent their concerns about the long term effects of vaping on children's health.

BBC News has found vapes confiscated from school pupils contained unsafe levels of lead, nickel and chromium.

A head teacher from Oldham also recently issued a warning that vaping could kill, after a 12-year-old pupil who had used a vape containing the illegal synthetic drug spice needed hospital treatment.

Carole Gandy, Herefordshire Council's Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, thanked the students and said it was inspiring they used their talents to deter young people from vaping as the number of young people taking up vaping was increasing.

Matt Pearce, Herefordshire's Director of Public Health, said: "Whilst vaping has an important role as an alternative for smoking amongst adults, we are all concerned about the number children and young people using and accessing vape products.

"This is a fantastic project and it's great to see young people raising awareness of the risks of vaping to their peers."

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