Students from South Pointe Junior High School get an inside look at Valley Metro expansion

PHOENIX - Students from South Pointe Junior High School are getting a close-up look at the light rail expansion.

Valley Metro hosted 10 students today, providing a tour and information about how the rail system works.

The event was hosted for Dia De Los Ninos Children's Day.

"It seemed interesting and seems like something that could be cool to learn about," seventh grader Patrick Box said.

Instructional coach Chrystal Ejim said it informs students on what is happening outside the school walls.

"We would like our students to know what's going on in the community as they come to school. They see the construction so this is an opportunity for them to know what's happening in their community," Ejim said.

It's a great opportunity for the kids in the Engineers of the Future program.

What will students get to see?

They get to see the 5.5-mile South Central Extension hub area downtown and once completed, it will connect south Phoenix to downtown Phoenix and Baseline Road.

"They are going to have presentations from engineers who have been working throughout this project from the city of Phoenix and Valley Metro," Valley Metro's Juliana Vasquez-Keating said.

The goal is to expand young minds and encourage them to shoot for the stars.

Sixth grader Jesus already has some ideas spinning after taking the tour.

"Build cars, help other construction like houses and homeless shelters," he said regarding his future plans.