A New 'Streetcar', Wal-Mart's Bribes, and the Nets Say Goodbye to Jersey

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: President Obama is relying on executive orders to work around the Republican Congress. Wal-Mart's Mexican division paid millions of dollars in bribes to build new stores then tried to cover it up. The Supreme Court will hear arguments this week about Arizona's controversial immigration law that has sparked copycats in other states. An argument for why it should be allowed to stand.

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Sports: Monday night will be the last New Jersey Nets home game ever.

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Food: Whole Foods has placed a ban on selling seafood it does not consider sustainable.

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Television: Why doesn't TV news offer corrections when it makes mistakes? Prime-time TV viewership is down all across the board, especially in the coveted 18-to-49 year-old group.

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Real Estate: Some luxury apartment building offer "technology concierges" to set up all your electronic gadgets when you move in.

Politics: How do we distinguish between Barack Obama's campaign trips and his "presidential" ones?

Theater: A review of the new production of A Streetcar Named Desire.

New York: Health department laws mean that New Yorker get fined for having water in an outdoor birdbath.

Education: A new study says computers can grade student essays on standardized tests as well as humans can.

Style: White House social secretary Jeremy Bernard oversees the president's biggest events. How different parenting styles can sometimes tear friendships apart.

Health: Many people stay in therapy indefinitely, even though their psychological problems don't improve. Psychedelic drugs may help terminal patients face death.

Obituaries: Nixon lawyer Chuck Colson, who masterminded Watergate and the President's other dirty tricks. John Hoyt, who helped build the Humane Society.

Photo Gallery of the Day: A man who spent years building an environemnetally sustainable home is facing eviction for ignoring demands to get permits.