Stratford To Close Schools For 2 Days Due To Staffing Issues

STRATFORD, CT — Stratford Public Schools have canceled school for Monday and Tuesday due to rising COVID-19 positivity rates and to give staff members and students more time to receive test results, officials announced Sunday.

Superintendent Uyi E. Osunde notified families that a recent “analysis of our professional staff impacted by exposure or positivity rates compromises our ability, at virtually all of our schools, to effectively run school tomorrow.”

Based on staffing challenges, and following conversations with district leaders and principals, Osunde decided to not have school on Monday and Tuesday and treat those days as “Inclement Weather Days.”

“This will position us to allow impacted staff members and students to receive current test results and potentially complete their quarantine for a safer return,” Osunde wrote in a message to the school community on Sunday evening. “As you may know, over the holiday break, District Leaders have been working with Town Leaders to secure iHealth test kits and N95 masks for our community. In our most updated communication, the Town of Stratford anticipates delivery of these resources at some point tomorrow morning. Upon receipt, we will mobilize distribution strategy so we can provide these resources to our families. More than likely we will make such distributions in the parking lot of your child’s school. There’ll be more to come on this from your child’s Principal or the District Office. With these resources in the hands of our community and timely testing, we will be better positioned to return to our schools this week. I do anticipate a mid-week opening. Additionally, this strategic and cautious approach will allow us to mitigate the spread that may come on the heels of the holiday break and better provide increased ability for in-person learning over the next few weeks.”

Osunde said it’s important to make the distinction that Monday and Tuesday will be treated as inclement weather days, where instruction will not be available to students.

“We recognize and apologize for any applicable inconvenience but we appreciate your understanding,” Osunde said. “It has truly taken the village to keep the safety of our kids, families and staff first. I extend appreciation to the host of people who have collaborated with us over the last few days inclusive of Town Leaders, BOE Members, District Leaders, Principals and our colleagues at our Health Department.

“We encourage continued practices around mitigation strategies and limiting crowd sizes. We wish those impacted by COVID-19 over the holiday break a speedy recovery. Continue to remain as safe as possible and as we have more information for you, we will be sure to communicate through your respective schools.”

This article originally appeared on the Stratford Patch