Stormy Daniels 'physically threatened over Donald Trump affair,' her lawyer claims

Stormy Daniels - Sayles
Stormy Daniels - Sayles

Stormy Daniels, the porn star who says she had an affair with Donald Trump was ordered to stay silent, her lawyer has claimed. Michael Avenatti told CNN: "My client was physically threatened to stay silent about what she knew about Donald Trump."

He said more details would be given in an interview on CBS's 60 Minutes, which has already been recorded and will be broadcast later this month.

Mr Avenatti made the same claim on MSNBC's Morning Joe programme and said his client wants to "tell her story".

Asked if she was physically threatened, Mr Avenatti said "yes," but did not provide more details. He did not make any allegations about who had made the threat.

He said: "There's the act and the cover-up, and the American people are going to learn about both in the interview and beyond."

The adult film actor, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is taking action in the courts in an attempt to invalidate a nondisclosure agreement.

Under the agreement she was paid $130,000 not to give details of her encounters with Mr Trump. 

Sarah Sanders, Mr Trump's press secretary, said the White House took physical safety "very seriously".

She said: "We certainly would condemn anyone threatening any individual but I have no knowledge."

She had not talked to the president about it, she said.