‘Stop Tweeting Me’: CNN Anchor Fed Up With Viewer Outrage Over Race Interview

On Thursday, we brought you the story of CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien and her contentious interview over Critical Race Theory. O'Brien contends the controversial theory isn't, well, controversial (read the background here). But it appears O'Brien's viewers didn't really agree: Monday, she had to tell people to "stop tweeting me" and declared "we have moved on people." (Related: The radical racial ides of the prof. Obama raves about in new Harvard video) O'Brien hosted guest Prof. Dorothy Brown from Emory University to explain that Critical Race Theory is nothing more than a look at judicial decisions and race in America. She dismissed the counterarguments that say the theory "holds that civil rights laws are ineffective, that racial equality is impossible," because the legal system "is white supremacist.” O'Brien didn't include anyone on the segment to counter Prof. Brown and at the end declared the issue solved and dead. You can watch it below:

The conversation O'Brien references occurred on Thursday between herself and Breitbart.com Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak. Pollak raised concerns over the theory that was championed by deceased Harvard Prof. Derrick Bell, the person seen in the newly-uncovered Obama video. This story may be updated.