Stop politicizing, and start fixing, the Postal Service

The United States Postal Service is in dire financial condition. It is seeking $75 billion in cash, grants and loans. But President Donald Trump is threatening to withhold needed aid in an effort to browbeat the Postal Service into raising rates on package deliveries.

Trump has been gnawing on this bone since taking office because Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, is also the owner of the Washington Post, which has been known to publish articles that displease the president.

Now the coronavirus and the postal service's financial distress have given Trump new reason to pick it up again. He recently said that he would block any coronovirus-related aid to the USPS unless it hikes its package rates four-fold or more.

Let’s make three things clear here:

►Any idea that the Postal Service would be allowed to default later this year is insane. Despite the advent of the internet and email, it still processes about 182 million first-class items. Every day. Many of them are bills and bill payments. The service is vital to our economy — and to our democracy, as much of the country is expected to vote by mail this year because of the pandemic.

►The rates the USPS charges should be set by the USPS, not by politicians trying to settle scores. If there is one hallmark of this administration, it is the pulling of levers to do the president’s political dirty work. Prime examples include the Ukraine shakedown that led to Trump's impeachment in the House and a capricious effort to block AT&T’s merger with CNN parent company Time Warner.

►The Postal Service's financial woes have little or nothing to do with package delivery rates. The main reason the service is in a hole is a 2006 law that places far greater pension funding obligations on it than those faced by competitors such as UPS and FedEx. Ever since that law passed, the Postal Service has been running huge deficits.

OPPOSING VIEW: USPS needs major reforms, not a bailout

United States Postal Service mail carrier Frank Colon delivers mail amid the coronavirus pandemic on April 30, 2020, in El Paso, Texas.
United States Postal Service mail carrier Frank Colon delivers mail amid the coronavirus pandemic on April 30, 2020, in El Paso, Texas.

The other main problem at the Postal Service is that thanks to email, social media and a host of other ways to communicate digitally, mail volume is down significantly. The coronavirus has made things even worse. But Congress has stuck its head in the sand rather than addressing the problem.

The cost-saving options are familiar. Numerous underutilized post offices could be closed. Saturday delivery could be ended. House-to-house delivery could be replaced with mailbox clusters spaced out at appropriate distances; many new neighborhoods are already configured this way.

These are among the issues Congress and President Trump should focus on, not petty political vendettas.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Postal service needs help; Trump seeks political payback