Stephen Hawking has a message for Trump: Don't ignore climate change

The UK's most renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist is still using his exceptional mind to map a theory of how the universe works. But when it comes to matters here on Earth, Stephen Hawking is just as concerned about President Trump's science policies as anyone. 

During a recent interview with Good Morning Britain, set to air Monday, Hawking bluntly laid out his views on U.S. administration's science policies. 

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"Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it's one we can prevent," said Hawking, according to the Guardian. "It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his [Trump's] second term. God forbid."

Hawking also suggested that Trump should, "replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency [EPA]." Pruitt, who has sued the organisation in the past over environmental issues, was a controversial choice to lead the EPA, with current and former staffers protesting his selection. 

But one of the biggest surprises from Hawking — a recipient of the U.S. Franklin Medal for science and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (from Barack Obama in 2009) — was his personal concerns regarding the new immigration policies in the U.S. 

"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists," said Hawking, "but I fear that I may not be welcome." 

The television program gave a small preview of Hawking's appearance via Twitter, where the scientist tossed off his now familiar quip about intelligence: "People who boast about their IQ are losers."

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