Stephen Colbert Is Teasing Us About Maybe Running for President

Encouraged by his hypothetical lead in South Carolina over third-place New Hampshire finisher Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney-spurred Republican ennui, Stephen Colbert might just announce his bid for presidency tonight. That's what the Comedy Central personality heavy-handedly promised viewers of The Colbert Report (video below) last night. "I just wish there was just some fresh face, untainted by the process who could just swoop in and save the day," Colbert teased before cutting to news of Public Policy Polling's numbers which show him ahead of Huntsman. "This, this just got real ... God's good with it. But obviously I still have to go home, sit down and talk it over with my money," Colbert joked.  "So please join me tomorrow night [tonight] when I will make a major announcement here on The Report ..."