States scramble to build makeshift hospitals before virus peaks

States are urgently searching for more space to house coronavirus patients as many hospitals across the country already expect to be overwhelmed. New York state alone expects to need roughly 87,000 more hospital beds than they currently have for when the virus hits its peak.

"I will turn this state upside down to get the number of beds we need, but we need the staff for those beds," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said.

Cuomo called the virus a . Similarly, a Miami, Florida, fairground will become a field hospital.

Nathan said the Navy ships are "in the readiness business" and will stand ready to serve both the East and West coast when hospitals and their staff need support.

Trump considers quarantine of people coming from New York metro area

"CBS Weekend News" headlines for Saturday, March 28, 2020

Trump speaks at Virginia Navy ship departing for New York aid