The State of the Union’s designated survivor: Interior Secretary David Bernhardt

The White House tapped Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to be the designated survivor for President Donald Trump's third State of the Union address.

Bernhardt is waiting out the annual gathering of the nation‘s lawmakers and top officials in an undisclosed, secure location in the event of a catastrophe that kills the president and cabinet.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue played the role during Trump's last Congress-wide address in 2019. The tradition dates back to the Civil War and can be seen as an indicator of secretaries' standing within the administration.

Bernhardt has served in the role since January of last year and was confirmed in April. He previously worked as an oil industry lobbyist.

Trump is delivering his address as the Senate considers two articles of impeachment against him for abusing his office and obstructing Congress. The Senate is expected to acquit Trump Wednesday.

A number of House Democrats, including progressive Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley plan to boycott the address. Others appeared dressed in white in honor of the suffrage movement.

Trump plans to steer clear of the impeachment proceedings and focus on his reelection bid for 2020.