State Department Warns of Possible Terrorist Attacks in Europe Over the Holidays

Travelers should be cautious while attending large holiday events, visiting tourist sites and frequenting places of worship

The State Department warned U.S. citizens Monday of a heightened risk of terrorist attacks in Europe throughout the holiday season, urging travelers to exercise caution.

“U.S. citizens should exercise caution at holiday festivals, events, and outdoor markets,” the State Department said in a statement quoted by Reuters.

The advisory said there were credible reports that the Islamic State (ISIS), al-Qaeda and other related terrorist groups continued to plot attacks across the continent, noting that Belgium, France, Germany and Turkey had all been targeted within the past year.

The travel alert will remain in effect through Feb. 20, 2017.

“U.S. citizens should exercise vigilance when attending large holiday events, visiting tourist sites, using public transportation, and frequenting places of worship, restaurants, hotels, etc.,” the statement said.
