St. Mary's Catholic School first-grader receives certificate, trophy for fundraising work

May 15—CHEYENNE — Inspired by a youngster at her school with a heart disease, St. Mary's Catholic School first grader Aliyana Harder worked diligently to raise money for a related nonprofit.

St. Mary's Catholic School Interim Principal Jeff Wordeman presented Harder with a trophy and certificate Wednesday for her involvement in the American Heart Association's (ASA) Kids Heart Challenge. Aliyana raised $1,637, placing her third overall in the Wyoming and Northern Colorado region.

The challenge, previously titled Jump Rope for Heart, is a fundraising and service-learning program that provides lessons and tools to support mental and physical well-being.

Aliyana said there is a 4-year-old student at St. Mary's with a heart disease, which helped inspire her to get involved with the fundraiser.

Amy Newman, the regional vice president of the ASA educational sector, awarded Aliyana the trophy and certificate for Wordeman to present to her at the school, Wordeman said.

Aliyana's grandfather, Rodger Harder, said he, his wife and Aliyana's mother helped Aliyana raise the money by asking friends and family to donate. Rodger knows a lot of people who were willing to contribute, he said, and the cause hit close to home for him.

"I had a buddy in the Army back in the early '90s," Rodger said. "His daughter was born with a congenital heart disease, and eventually she had to have a heart transplant. So there's a lot of connection where it actually means something."

Wordeman said St. Mary's takes part in the ASA fundraiser every year. All students get involved and try to raise money for the cause.

It took Aliyana and her family a month out of the six-week challenge to raise the money. She said receiving the award made her feel happy, proud and special because she loves helping other kids.

Alyssa Crutcher is the Wyoming Tribune Eagle's summer intern. She can be reached by email at Follow her on X at @alyssasadie03.