St. George-based DOVE Center says number of survivors of domestic violence is growing

The Dove Center provides sexual assault awareness and victim resources through the What Were You Wearing? exhibit at DSU Thursday, April 7, 2022. The collection aims to dispel victim blaming and other myths often associated with sexual assault.
The Dove Center provides sexual assault awareness and victim resources through the What Were You Wearing? exhibit at DSU Thursday, April 7, 2022. The collection aims to dispel victim blaming and other myths often associated with sexual assault.

A St. George nonprofit says it served more than 1,300 survivors of domestic violence in 2022, illustrating the area's growing need for victim support.

"These survivors experienced crimes that typically thrive in silence," said Jillian Penhale, executive director of The DOVE Center, which provides various services and programs at no cost for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. "We want them to know that they're not alone and DOVE is here to help."

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 33.6% of Utah women and 21.4% of Utah men experience “intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner sexual violence, and or intimate partner stalking in their lifetimes.”

Actors portray domestic violence victims and advocates at the DOVE Center, St. Geroge's domestic violence shelter and advocacy group.
Actors portray domestic violence victims and advocates at the DOVE Center, St. Geroge's domestic violence shelter and advocacy group.

For survivors in southern Utah, the DOVE Center has been the largest provider of various support services, including crisis intervention, safe shelter, relocation assistance, meals and individual therapy. The group works with local governments and other nonprofits to match support programs with individuals.

In March, the DOVE Center is hosting its annual fundraising gala, an event dubbed "Voices of Courage" that organizers say will include stories from survivors about their perseverance. Scheduled for March 4 at 5:30 p.m. at the Dixie Convention Center, the event will also feature an artistic performance interweaving survivors' stories with dance and music, with help from the Utah Tech University dance department. Tickets run $150 per person, with an option to purchase tickets for a table of eight for $1,200.

Janice Brooks, a member of the center's board of directors who is curating the gala's planned entertainment, said she believes the performance would articulate the strength and courage survivors show in sharing their experiences.

"It is a brave feat to share one’s traumatic experience and also seek help," Brooks said. "We want this performance and event to inspire our community to become a part of the solution in breaking that silence."

When the Utah Legislature begins its annual general session later this month, it will consider several bills focused on domestic violence. In his budget recommendation sent to the state Legislature, Gov. Spencer Cox suggested a $53.5 million allocation to domestic violence prevention.

This article originally appeared on St. George Spectrum & Daily News: St. George center served 1,300 domestic violence survivors in 2022