Spring means it's time for a deep clean at home

Mar. 12—While some might be dreading spring cleaning, it can be an important task to keep your family healthy and your mind at ease.

Spring cleaning can de-stress, improve focus and help ward off depression, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

While most dread this time of year, the spring clean can be easier than you think. Annie Dowell, a cleaner with Maid for More, a residential and commercial professional cleaning service in St. Joseph, shared tips on how to approach it.

Dowell said the first thing they do when they arrive at a client's house is assess the entire situation.

"First of all, what are you wanting done to it? Everything we do is going to be from top to bottom ... And that includes the ceiling all the way to the baseboards," Dowell said.

Dowell said baseboards are the most commonly missed area when people clean their homes. However, it doesn't stop there. She mentioned some other commonly missed areas to pay attention to as well.

"Pull out items from the wall and clean behind it, dust behind everything, under things, under beds, cabinets like your kitchen cabinets," Dowell said. "Underneath your kitchen cabinets get extremely dusty. A lot of people like to have their curtains washed, things like that."

She said it's easy to forget about those things since you don't normally do them.

Dowell also suggests some tips to help the average cleaner ace spring cleaning.

"Dusting. If you keep down on your dusting, it's a whole lot better to clean your house," she said.

Another avenue of spring cleaning many don't consider is decluttering and organizing.

"Definitely go through stuff, start getting rid of things that you don't need. Because I know from myself that you just collect over the years that you don't need, that's just collecting more dust and more things that you don't need," she said.

"Organizing anything, really your cabinets or kitchen cabinets, anything like that (helps)."

For those who want to take an easier route for spring cleaning, professional cleaning companies like Maid for More could be the way to go.