SportsArt ECO-POWR cardio equipment creates electricity while you workout


Exercise is defined as the activity requiring physical effort that’s carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. It also involves the consumption of the body’s energy to provide the ability to perform said activities. Today, energy is a resource that comes at quite a cost, especially to the environment; but what if the same energy that the human body dispels during a workout could be stored and utilized for a larger purpose? For example, if it could be used to help power the same building you’re working out in?

That’s the kind of thinking that led SportsArt, a US based leader in the premium quality fitness equipment space, to research and develop their ECO-POWR line of cardio products. Their latest range of ellipticals, treadmills, and cycles are specifically designed to give you the best possible workout with a powerful extra incentive to offset carbon footprint while you are at it. Equipped with micro-inverters, designed to convert the energy produced by your workout to utility grade electricity, these machines can harness your effort and put it back into the grid. In compliance with CE and UL standards, the ECO-POWR line of products uses similar technology you’d find in solar panels and wind turbines. A single workout could produce up to 200 watts per hour per unit of electricity when plugged into a standard power outlet. And sticking to the theme of being environmentally responsible, SportsArt’s ECO-POWR treadmill, launched earlier this year, is also made up of recycled materials (77%).

Just to add a little more value to the SportsArt ECO-POWR line, the company even offers a Green Circle Certification to all customers who utilize equipment from the series. This gives them all relevant details when it comes to the measurement of power and savings that are generated through the use of the ECO-POWR equipment. In fact, SportsArt and their ECO-POWR range have been instrumental in creating the very first sustainable spinning studio set up in Sacramento, California at Sacramento Eco Fitness.

Aside from pioneering, what we’re sure will become a major trend in human energy harnessing exercise regimes; the ECO-POWR series offers state-of-the-art features to perfectly blend aesthetic design with superb functionality. Features like the MyFlex Plus pedal cushioning and adjustable stride length found on the Elliptical G845 and G875, are designed to provide you with a comfortable workout platform and prevent foot numbness often associated with elliptical use. The ComfortDri vented padded seat back, found on the Recumbent Cycles G545R and G575R, is not just molded to provide excellent support but also designed to allow for significant airflow, keeping you cool throughout your workout.

For SportsArt’s ECO-POWR range, it’s not just about creating sophisticated workout platforms that are optimized for user comfort and functionality; it’s also about utilizing fundamental sciences to create sustainable solutions for energy production. In a time when energy conservation and sustainable sources are a ‘running’ trend, ECO-POWR ellipticals, treadmills, and cycles are a step in the right direction.

For fitness clubs or people with home gyms this could mean a significant savings and for everyone else, think of it as giving a little something back.

[More info - Sportsart]