Spate of toilet attacks costs council 'thousands'

"Mindless" acts of toilet vandalism cost a council "thousands of pounds" in damages.

Public toilets in Tendring, Essex, have been targeted with anti-social behaviour and the latest incident saw two facilities abused in Walton-on-the-Naze on 8 May.

Taps were broken and toilet rolls were stolen at loos in Kino Road, and a door was damaged and stock was removed at a block in Southcliff Promenade.

Peter Kotz, Tendring District Council cabinet member for assets, said: "These mindless acts of vandalism are deplorable and have once again caused thousands of pounds of damage. These attacks demonstrate a lack of respect for facilities that are used by residents and visitors, allowing them to enjoy our town centres and seafronts.”

He added: “I reiterate that we do not want to be spending taxpayers’ money on repairs that could otherwise be spent on maintenance."

Vandals also smashed toilet cubicle doors into pieces at the West Greensward toilet block, in Clacton, on the evening of Thursday, 2 May.

It came after facilities, in Pier Gap, Clacton, and at the Tennis Court in Lower Marine Parade, Dovercourt, were hit last month.

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