Southern Theater to reopen its doors for BRKFST Dance Company in June

May 20—BRKFST Dance Company will stage its newest work "60/40" on June 3 through 6 at the Southern Theater in Minneapolis.

It will be the first open-to-the-public live performance at the theater since the pandemic began. All current COVID guidelines will be in place, including 50 percent capacity, distanced seating and mask wearing. Also, the bar for beverages and concessions will be closed.

"60/40" examines "the concept of loss, fragmentation and contradiction," according to a news release. "It addresses the push/pull of inner and outer dialogue we use to cope with unfamiliar circumstances. At times hindered by doubt, fear and frustration — the innate remembrance of a distant wholeness pushes us to seek beyond these limitations."

Tickets are $25 (general admission) and $10 (child, student, senior) with a pay-as-able option for opening night. For details, see