Southeast Michigan braces for hot, muggy conditions as damaging winds, storms loom

Forecasters are warning that it will be hot and muggy in southeast Michigan for the next two or three days, with a chance for severe weather — strong winds, hail, and perhaps even an isolated tornado — on Monday with more storms Tuesday afternoon

"Just be aware we’ve got some active weather the next few days," Sara Schultz, a National Weather Service meteorologist in White Lake Township, said. "Hot, humid, and be on the lookout for a chance of strong to severe weather."

That means, she said: Pay attention to the weather and be ready to take cover — if necessary.

The power also might get knocked out, so keep your phone charged.

Most of the really bad stuff — like, 60 mph wind gusts, thundershowers, and one-inch, quarter-size hail — is expected from noon to 10 p.m. Monday and north of Interstate 69. And there may be more damaging winds and storms on Tuesday afternoon.

As for the heat, expect it to be in the mid-to-high 80s, until Thursday, when a cold front sweeps through and temperatures are expected to go back to the 70s, leading in the Memorial Day holiday weekend.

Contact Frank Witsil: 313-222-5022 or

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Southeast Michigan forecast calls for severe weather, including hail