South Jersey cop charged with hacking women's social media, leaking nude photos

MOUNT LAUREL - Authorities have charged a township police officer with hacking into the social media accounts of an Evesham woman and distributing nude pictures to her online friends.

Rookie cop Ayron Taylor, 22, of Delran, was arrested on several counts of computer crimes, invasion of privacy and other charges, Burlington County Prosecutor LaChia L. Bradshaw and Evesham Police Department Chief Walt Miller jointly announced Thursday night.

Bradshaw said an investigation began last month after the victim contacted the Evesham Township Police Department and reported her Snapchat and Facebook accounts had been accessed by an unknown person.

The hacker sent nude photos the woman had taken of herself to her Snapchat contacts, messaged them to her Facebook friends and also posted them on her Facebook wall.

Miller said an investigation found Taylor was behind the hacking.

Taylor has alos been charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a child because some of the photos he sent of the victim were taken when she was a minor.

Taylor was arrested on October 21 and taken to Burlington County Jail in Mount Holly but was released following a first appearance in Superior Court.

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The prosecutor said Taylor has been suspended without pay and faces termination from the department.

Taylor became a full-time police officer with the Mount Laurel department in October 2021 after graduating from the police academy.

The charges against Taylor are allegations; he has not been convicted of any crimes connected to the case.

The investigation is being continued by the Burlington County High-Tech Crimes Unit and Det. Christopher DeFrancesco of the Evesham department who also is assigned to the county high-tech taskforce.

Carol Comegno loves telling stories about South Jersey life, history and military veterans for the Courier Post, Burlington County Times and The Daily Journal. If you have a story to share, call her at 609-533-0306 or email

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This article originally appeared on Cherry Hill Courier-Post: Mount Laurel NJ police officer Ayron Taylor charged with cyber crimes