Sound Off for May 21, 2024

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The thing about fear is that it is mostly in our heads. Your daughters are safer going to the bathroom than from a random shooter anywhere. You are just creating fear just to prove a point.


So, I was driving along highway 90 glancing southward at the beach. Sunshine was coming down on the sandy beach and the water glistened with promise. Then a thought crossed my mind: What ever happened to Bobbie’s Bikinis. She was a strong entrepreneur, created quality products with a flare and sold them directly in their intended market. I know she formed and dissolved a company and then disappeared. I hope she’s had success since. Anybody know for sure?

Your fault

If Donald Trump is found guilty and incarcerated but is still elected president, that says more about you than him. He is banking on it.


Prices started going up during Donald Trump’s presidency. Building supplies increased because of tariffs and supply shortages. I know because I was in the middle of a renovation of my home. It costs me two times more than the estimated cost. It just seemed like we had more money because we did not go anywhere. The stimulus money helped but it wasn’t because of Trump. He just took credit. He sent a letter in each check to prove it.

Border policies

To all of you who want to go back to Donald Trump’s border policies: How on Earth can you want families forcefully separated, many never to see each other again? One baby forcefully taken from its mother was four months old. That was Trump’s policy. You should hang your head in shame. A lot of this has to be because these people are brown, and that makes them less than you. Do you know that Jesus was brown?

The economy is bad?

Tell me again why you think the economy is terrible, because all I see is crowds at malls, stores, restaurants, etc. Somebody’s got disposable money. I personally am not struggling more, nor are the crowds I see going to concerts, the casinos and sporting events. As for gas prices, cars and trucks travel with one person in them. When the economy was bad, we were encouraged to carpool. Please stop repeating sound bites and think for yourself. Or at least read statistics.

Ruining graduation

I attended the D’Iberville High School graduation. A beautiful ceremony honoring this milestone by the seniors was marred by the absolute disrespect of many people with air horns. We all have to go through metal detectors and have our purses checked, so why can’t air horns a d any type of noise makers be stopped from being brought into the coliseum? Each parent and loved one would love to hear the name of their graduate as it is called for them to receive their diploma. Please people be considerate and leave these noisemakers at home.

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