Sound Off for May 17, 2024

Parking garage

CTA executive director Kevin Coggin has a wonderful solution for the parking problem at Memorial Hospital by constructing a new parking garage, yet getting all the funds needed for this project is a problem. We have how many casinos on this coast? Where is all the revenue from casinos going? Why can’t casino revenue help support this badly needed construction? I dread going to Memorial Hospital because there never is any available parking.

Thanks for nothing

Gov. Tate Reeves is bragging about a bill that declares there are only two sexes, male and female. He says it will protect girls and women. As a woman, I can testify there are no dangers lurking around bathrooms waiting to harm us. Not having access to prenatal care, or health choices for my body are far more dangerous to me.

So much anger

Donald Trump keeps giving speeches hinting at using violence against his enemies. Globally, we have the reputation of being the aggressor. After all, we and Russia are the ones with nuclear bombs. Fear is used whenever the need for control of us is useful. Aren’t you tired of all this anger and lust for vengeance? And for being used for others to gain power?

No chance

The belief we have the capability of eliminating Hamas or any terrorist group is pure fantasy. Case in point: 20 years in Afghanistan including getting rid of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, yet terrorists are still alive and thriving in the Middle East. No amount of funding or arms will change that fact.

That smell

A therapy dog showed up to my doctor’s waiting room. Patients were petting it, and were very excited. My problem is the smell it left behind. I started to gag and my nose became irritated.

A liar

Donald Trump lied about having 100,000 people from New Jersey camped outside his courtroom. Why does he lie so easily? Especially since we have eyes to see it isn’t true. Does he think Fox News will not report it?


Could it be Republicans in D.C. are catching on to the Democrats? Showing up in numbers, unified with diligence. Blocking out the noise and coming together for what’s best for we the people.

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