Sound Off for May 14, 2024

Tax information

Social Security number, Individual Tax Identification Number, and work visas are all accepted ways to pay income taxes. Illegal immigrants are currently hindered from acquiring a work visa due to our own dysfunction.

Good call

Barron Trump declined the Republican delegation role. His mother must have stepped in and smacked that idea down. It’s bad enough that his brothers are delegates.

Ruining the news

The 24-hour news media and YouTube TV have ruined politics. Opinions have become news and extreme headlines designed as click bait is everywhere. Capitalism is an excuse to do whatever it takes to make money and increase viewership. I prefer to read my news where I can pick which news outlet to trust. Even with that I have to use my brain to decipher the truth.

Had your chance

I overheard a conversation in a doctor’s waiting room about a patient’s bill. The patient was shocked at the down payment amount owed, even though they had insurance. If we had voted for Brandon Presley, who promised Medicaid expansion on Day 1, maybe this discussion would have gone differently.

Back to basics

Diamondhead is trying to make regulations for bikers and golf carts. I will settle for sidewalks in Handsboro and Mississippi City. How about about that billion-dollar surplus from BP and the federal stimulus that has been sitting in banks collecting interest?

So rude

I was having lunch in Diamondhead when I experienced the loudest-ever conversation on a speakerphone. Right in front of his two young grandchildren this man answers his phone, turns on the speaker, and begins to yell at the woman who had called him. Instant heartburn. He was oblivious to the “looks” I was giving him. Obtuse, he was also oblivious to the lesson he was teaching the babies.

The Great Equivocator

President Biden’s pullback from his initial full-throated support of Israel, including not sending arms that the House financed while he tries to strong arm Israel into not pursuing Hamas through Rafa and eliminating them, has paid expected dividends. Iran’s proxy Hezbollah rained rockets down on Israel. Hamas is a designated terrorist organization that wants to destroy Israel. Everything else is semantics.

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