Sound Off for April 29, 2024

Speak English

If we allow our country to become many languages then we have the Tower of Babel and we will drift apart. Imagine having anyone needing to work with government in Texas needing to speak Spanish and California needing to speak Chinese. We need to hold to English and encourage immigrants to learn that in order to be functioning citizens. Speaking to each other is the basis of friendship. English needs to be our official language.

Another idea

I also have an idea regarding the anti-Jewish/anti-Israel protesters. Round them up and make them watch all the videos of the horrific atrocities committed by Hamas against 1,200 innocent Jews, especially the women and children. Maybe then they will think twice about protesting.

Biden and the truth

On the Howard Stern show recently, President Biden claimed when he was a lifeguard he saved a half dozen people from drowning. He also said as a Senator, whenever he received salacious pictures that women would send to him, he would give them to his Secret Service detail for disposal. As a Senator, Biden didn’t have an SS detail. He said when he was a teen, he was the only white kid on the porch of a black family’s home visiting when he was arrested for protesting segregation. Didn’t happen. He claimed he was a runner in “state scoring football”. Huh? Didn’t happen. One needs a flow chart and spreadsheet to keep up with the blatant lies he has put forward recently, never mind throughout his career. Does he think you’re beguiled or is his cognitive decline worsening?

What’s next?

According to several news reports, President Biden is contemplating an amnesty for an estimated 1.2 million individuals already living here through “parole in place.” That means they entered illegally and are waiting for an immigration court date. Allegedly, this amnesty would focus on illegal alien spouses of U.S. citizens currently not eligible for a green card. It’s another unlawful expansion of parole authority and would come with a green card and path to citizenship. Gee, we didn’t see that coming. Actually we’ve predicted and prophesied that he would continue not to enforce immigration statutes and flout the limits of his executive authority to ultimately grant amnesty and citizenship to the 10-17 million he’s illegally let in.


Are the illegal protesters wearing face masks because of the COVID virus and other infectious diseases because they’re so rampant in the elite universities, or to not be identified? If you have a legitimate purpose, stand up with no covering. Don’t hide your identity. You decide.


President Biden finally does an interview, and it is with shock jock Howard Stern, who does a despicable, fawning and softball two-way talk? Give me a break.

Medicaid expansion

The Mississippi legislators finally passed a Medicaid expansion bill because of pressure from the public. As usual, they just couldn’t pass the whole bill. They cut parts of the bill so that 200,000 Mississippians still will not have any health care at all. I hope you are not a Republican and are one of these 200,000. If so, you might want to think about voting for a Democrat for the first time. Democrats want everyone to have health care.

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