Someone made a pizza with peas and mayo and the internet collectively barfed

If we've learned anything from the internet, it's don't put peas on delicious food

A pizza war broke out last week after the president of Iceland revealed that he would ban pineapple as a pizza topping if he could. The issue of pineapple on pizza now seems petty because some monster decided to top his perfectly good pizza with some peas and mayo. Yes, peas and mayo.

SEE ALSO: The pineapple on pizza debate is tearing us apart

Twitter user FOX152 tweeted a photo of the pea and mayo-topped pizza, which looked strikingly similar to toddler vomit. 

"Peas and mayonnaise pizza?!" FOX152 asked. "Yes please."

The responses were filled with horrified pizza lovers, determined to squash this food concoction before The New York Times could feature it in its Food section and call it a trend. 

Someone even suggested that pineapple pizza haters and lovers come together to "defeat this evil" pea pizza. 

We reached out to FOX152 for additional information and comments. He is still tweeting, so he does appear to still be alive after consuming the toddler vomit pizza. 

BONUS: 8 facts you didn't know about pizza