Someone has deciphered Sansa's letter from last Sunday's 'Game of Thrones' episode

Warning: What is spoiled may never be unspoiled. (Spoilers ahead, in other words.)

LONDON — So who exactly was Sansa sneaking off to write a letter to in last Sunday's Game of Thrones episode?

We know that she was writing to someone for help, but the awkward camera angles meant that we had to pretty much rely on guest work, right?

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Wrong. By using Photoshop to flip, zoom and enhance an upside down frame of Sansa with her letter, Reddit user CreepyPancakes has managed to decipher most of what she wrote.

Here's the final enhanced version.

Image: imgur/creepypancakes

It seemed like the most likely option, but this confirms it: Sansa was writing to Littlefinger for help in the fight against Ramsay.

And he'll almost certainly come, won't he? As well as having an obsession with Sansa, Petyr will see this as an opportunity to curry favour with the winning side — we all know Jon Snow is going to win this one, let's face it — and put himself in a position of power by aligning himself with the new rulers in the North.

Bonus: The sad adventures of George R.R. Martin