Is There a Solution for Woman's Urinary Incontinence?

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“Yes, I’m a woman in her 20s that regularly pees herself,” confesses America. She can’t sneeze or cough without “going a little bit.”

It became a serious problem after the birth of her second child. Now she often wears a pad and avoids drinking water. “My doctor told me to do some exercises ‘down there,’” she says, “but it just didn’t work for me.”

She’s not alone – 15 million adult women in America suffer from urinary incontinence. But Plastic Surgeon Dr. Michael Niccole might have a solution for America. He explains that her condition is known as “stress incontinence” and he believes it can be corrected with a quick laser procedure.

Watch: Urinary Incontinence

The Doctors put America’s results to the ultimate test – they sent her to a comedy show! Was she able to laugh it up without letting it all go?

America is all smiles. “It was very overwhelming to be myself again and just laugh my butt off if I wanted to!” she says.

“I want to thank you for sharing your story,” Ob/Gyn Dr. Nita Landry tells America. “As a gynecologist, I know that a lot of women are really embarrassed. Even when they go to the gynecologist they don’t really want to talk about it.” But talking to your doctor is the first step to solving the problem.

Watch: Pee Problems

Dr. Niccole explains that the laser treatment stimulates the production of collagen and elastin – it tightens the urinary sphincter. Currently, the recommendation is for three treatments, with annual follow-up exams to see if the symptoms have returned.

The Doctors have arranged for America to receive a $1,000 gift certificate to White House Black Market to help her create a new, unstained wardrobe!