Solon Springs Principal Holly Jones to resign

Mar. 28—SOLON SPRINGS — Solon Springs Principal Holly Jones will be leaving the district at the end of the school year to spend time with her parents, who are dealing with health difficulties.

"I realized that time is precious with them and they need me to reside closer for support," Jones wrote in her letter of resignation.

The Solon Springs School Board accepted her resignation during a special meeting Monday, March 25, according to Superintendent Pete Hopke.

The position has been posted on the

Wisconsin Education Career Access Network

and will be active through April 19, Hopke said. He intends to set up an interview committee of up to a dozen people — including members of the board, school staff and community — to look for the next principal.

Jones has been with the district for four years. In her letter, she expressed appreciation for the welcome she received in the community and said it was a difficult decision to leave.

"There is something special about Solon Springs," she said.