Solar panel installation has nearly doubled this year as Wauwatosa continues to promote renewable energy

The city of Wauwatosa has received 20 applications for solar panels already this year, nearly twice the demand in previous years, according to the city.

The increase is the result of a concerted effort between the city, its residents and solar panel companies whose goal is to promote renewable energy.

This includes the approval of solar energy systems in all zoning districts, the option to buy solar panels at a discounted price through group buys and the fast-tracking of applications that make installing the panels easier.

What is the process like?

Residents seeking to install solar panels will usually contact a local contractor who will work with them on size and location. Sometimes city or resident-led groups come together to purchase solar panels in what is called a “group buy.” This allows individuals to buy solar panels at highly reduced prices.

Solar panels can cost about $5,000, but rebates and tax incentives can help lower the price. Group buys will usually save upwards of $200 and also come with the benefit of educating the buyer about how best to set up and use their new panels.

The plans can then be submitted online at the city of Wauwatosa website, after which the city will make an appointment to inspect the plans. Joe Glorioso, master electrician for the city, said the process of obtaining a solar panel permit is usually fast — and it is designed that way.

“This is one of the main ways we have promoted renewable energy … we want the process to be as fast as possible, so we usually have most applications approved within a week of submission,” said Glorioso.

While he noted that not all applications are approved, he also said they are often ways to adjust the plans — such as panel locations and sizes — to get them accepted.

Glorioso also said that he sees the increase in solar panels as a trend that is not stopping anytime soon. He explained that residents are consistently finding ways to afford them and that every year it seems that more are being installed.

“As the technology gets better and better, I don’t see the demand for them slowing down … we already have the systems that can harness solar energy in the day and use it to power a house at night, so that will only get better,” said Glorioso.

Are solar panels worth it?

With dreary, snow-filled winters and high-reaching trees that shade many parts of residential areas, it is easy to think that installing panels in Wauwatosa might not be worth it. However, Wauwatosa resident and solar panel owner Mike Arney said he saves about $400 a year because of his panels.

Initially purchasing his panels in 2017, with the intent to minimize his carbon footprint, Arney said he is looking at a 12- to 13-year payback. That alone might be enough to motivate someone to buy them, he said.

“Even if you are not buying them for environmental reasons, you can get them paid off in 12 years, and they last 25 years at the very least, so you are looking at a good return,” said Arney.

While he admitted that they are not as effective in the wintertime or on cloudy days, Arney said he is pleased with his decision to purchase the panels.

To learn more about your property's solar potential, visit Get an estimate of your future panel's performance at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s website,

Beck Andrew Salgado can be reached at 512-568-4070 or Follow him on Twitter at @Beck_Salgado.

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Solar panel installation in Wauwatosa has nearly doubled this year