Soccer-Malaysian club to sport airlines logo to show MH17 solidarity

July 25 (Reuters) - Top tier club Kelantan Football Association will sport the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) logo on team jersey for free next season to show solidarity with the national carrier following the MH17 tragedy earlier this month. Nearly 300 people were killed when the Malaysia Airlines plane en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was brought down in eastern Ukraine, where separatists are battling government forces, on July 17. "For the 2015 season, the Kelantan football jersey will have the MAS logo. We will do it voluntarily at no charge," club adviser Annuar Musa has told reporters. Based in Kota Bharu on the northeast coast, the Red Warriors appointed former Dutch player George Boateng as their head coach in April. (Reporting by Amlan Chakraborty; editing by Patrick Johnston)