Your Sneakers Might Be Made Out of Algae in the Future

Sneaker companies have already started making an effort to use more eco-friendly materials, and now they may get some help from an unexpected source: algae.

Bloom Holdings, LLC, the creator of Bloom Foam, spoke with Fast Company about testing ways to turn algae into yoga mats and traction material for surfboards, and their managing director, Rob Falken, said that footwear could be the biggest market in the future.

"There's way more algae than we can shake a stick at," Falken said.

Creating sneakers out of algae would come with more benefits than one would think. For starters, it would reduce unwanted algae that could be harmful to wildlife, and it could be a more natural approach to creating "odorless" materials. Falken says there are "anti-microbial" properties to algae, which could be a major plus for footwear, because, well, duh.

Talk about adding a new level of freshness to your sneaker rotation.


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