Snake makes a sudden appearance on driver's sssssside window

Snakes are relatively common in Australia, but perhaps less so coiled up on people's cars.

A driver got quite the surprise when a venomous red-bellied black snake made an appearance on the side of his car on Wednesday.

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According to ABC News, driver Ted Ogier was driving back from the New South Wales town of Eden for work, when suddenly a snake slithered from under the bonnet to curl around the driver's side mirror. Oh, and it wanted in.

"It was sort of tapping on the window a couple of times, because it obviously wanted to get in," Ogier told the news outlet. 

The snake was estimated to be about 2.5 metres (8 feet) long, and Ogier got a co-worker to remove the reptile with a broom. It's likely the snake crawled in to the engine bay, seeking a bit of warmth.

While red-bellied black snakes are highly venomous, they are a shy snake, preferring to flee and will only bite if you seriously try and annoy it, according to the Australian Museum.

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