This Snack Could Cut Your Risk for Major Diseases!

Want to lower your chances of contracting heart disease, diabetes, and cancer!? The answer doesn’t lie in a pill – and it could help you lose a little weight as well.

Watch: Superfood Health Hazard!?

This miracle prescription is nuts! No, it’s not crazy – it’s eating nuts three to four times a week.

“You are nuts for nuts,” Plastic Surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon tells ER Physician Dr. Travis Stork. “I absolutely am,” Dr. Stork replies. A recent study showed that people who regularly ate nuts lost weight as well as cutting their risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Watch: Nutrition Trends with Max Lugavere

“It seems counter-intuitive, because what do nuts have in them? Fat!” observes. Dr. Stork. But the fats in nuts are healthy ones, and they’re also rich in fiber and protein. “It’s really hard to overeat nuts,” he adds, because they’re so filling.