Sliding Explorer review

A neat file explorer built on material design, Sliding Explorer looks great and turns out to be easy to use. But because it lacks some important features, it may seem too basic for some users.


Clean and functional design: Sliding Explorer stands out from other file explorers, thanks to its straightforward and compact material design, which enables you to browse the files on your device's internal memory or external SD card with great ease and as few taps as possible. The ability to sort files based on size or date when last modified and to bookmark favorite directories and quickly access them through the left-hand sidebar greatly ease file management.

Administrative functions: Through the Settings menu, you can show hidden files and enable root access to view root files -- useful features if you are a developer and want to temper with the system files.

Lets you easily change permissions: Tapping on the file options button and then on properties shows you a pop-up window through which you can enable or disable permissions as well as customize them for the owner, groups, and other users.


No move feature: You have to copy-paste files to move them between folders, a tedious process that becomes more and more annoying as the number of files you want to move around increases.

Icon-view only: You can't change the default view of the app to view files as thumbnails or as a list.

Bottom Line

While not as feature rich as other file managers, Sliding Explorer comes with an appealing design that makes it friendlier than most of its competitors. If you're tired of the many ugly-looking, ad-ridden file explorers that overtake Google Play, you should try this app. Let's just hope the developer will implement a much-needed move feature soon.

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