Sleep guidance will advise at least seven hours' rest a night

The guidance is expected to advise that less than seven hours' sleep every night could be damaging - PA
The guidance is expected to advise that less than seven hours' sleep every night could be damaging - PA

National guidance on how much sleep people should have each night is set to be published by the Government. As part of a plan to improve public health, it is expected to advise that less than seven hours' sleep every night could be damaging.

The move resembles Government advice on safe alcohol consumption and on how much time children should spend in front of a screen.

The evidence on the relationship between sleep and health will be reviewed and recommendations made for people of different ages, according to The Times.

The newspaper quoted from a leaked draft of a public health green paper which it said is due to be published by Health Secretary Matt Hancock.

It said much of the paper is focused on obesity and smoking, but that it also makes reference to sleep.

According to The Times, extracts say: "As a first step the Government will review the evidence on sleep and health.

"This is with a view to informing the case for clear national guidance on the daily recommended hours of sleep for individuals in different age brackets and to raise awareness of the key 'sleep hygiene' factors that can support healthy sleeping."

A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said they do not comment on leaks.

Earlier this year a German team of scientists said, in a study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, they had discovered that sleep improves the ability of immune cells to hit their targets and fight off infection.