Single Dad Creates Family Pictures He ‘Always Wanted’


The single father of two girls is getting attention for his ’80s-inspired family photo shoot, which has earned more than 3 million views online — and more than a few date requests for the now-viral dad.

Mike Allen posted a photo to Reddit on Tuesday, with the caption “I’m embracing single-parenthood by getting the family pictures I always wanted.” The photo shows Allen with his two daughters, all in 1980s sunglasses and snow gear. His older daughter even has crimped hair.

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(Photo: Faces Photography)

The photo has received more than 3.6 million views and more than 1,700 comments. “The girls love skiing and I love the ’80s,” Allen told BuzzFeed News about the photos, some of which included skis. “I see people’s family pictures all the time and I just thought it would be fun to mix it up and do something different.”

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Photo: Faces Photography

The Utah dad told BuzzFeed that he and his ex-wife have shared custody of their daughters, 6 and 7, for nearly three years and they’ve gotten the hang of co-parenting. “There will be a lot of time that you will think about the past, but you can’t change that,” he said. “You can only control what you can control. For me that means being involved as much as I can and exposing them to different types of activities that we can all enjoy.”


Photo: Faces Photography

But if Reddit users have anything to do with it, Allen may not be single for long. “Need a date on Friday night?” asked one user. “Do you want a new wife?” asked another. And, from a third, “I can help you with the single parenthood thing.”


Photo: Imgur/TheFAPnetwork

Other Redditors took it upon themselves to work their Photoshop magic on the picture, adding the family to the Full House clan and a scene from Top Gun.


Photo: Imgur/davepollotart

But Allen told BuzzFeed that the original photo he posted didn’t need much improvement. “I just thought it was an awesome picture that captured the attitude of my girls,” he said. “I’ve never considered myself very photogenic, especially compared to these two.”

(Top photo: Faces Photography)

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