Sick of growth? Your chance to plead for Vero Beach, Sebastian, Fellsmere future | Opinion

As seven Indian River County visioning workshops begin in neighborhoods this week, it’s tough to be optimistic about preserving the quality of life we enjoy.

People continue to flock here. Indian River County’s population has surpassed that of Martin County, once touted as the model for controlled growth. We’ve grown from 138,000 people in 2010 to 160,000 in 2020.

More than 203,000 people will live in the county by 2045, according to the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research.

The health of the Indian River Lagoon continues to decline. In 2021, there were a record number of dead manatees, seen as the canary in the coalmine for the environmental health of our region.

Traffic continues to back up; roads seem to be in a state of constant repair, and wrecks are more than a daily occurrence.

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A longtime pine hammock was cleared for a new subdivision in April 2022 off 27th Avenue, just south of Fourth Street, in unincorporated Indian River County.
A longtime pine hammock was cleared for a new subdivision in April 2022 off 27th Avenue, just south of Fourth Street, in unincorporated Indian River County.

The Indian River County you see daily?

Woods continue to be clear-cut for cookie-cutter subdivisions, destroying the habitat of all sorts of critters. When was the last time you saw a lightning bug in your neighborhood?

A housing shortage has driven home values and rents up to the point where social workers say many families are forced to live in substandard or unsafe housing, in their cars or on the streets.

We’re told a “toilet-to-tap” solution might be the best way to provide water here in two or three decades as population continues to grow and underground water resources dry up. I don’t know about you, but I’m not prepared to start drinking or showering in treated sewage.

Maybe this isn’t the Indian River County most of us see daily. It’s certainly not the Indian River County we moved here for.

At a Feb. 3 visioning workshop, neither county officials nor consultants could directly answer what seemed liked a reasonable question: How many people can Indian River County hold (while maintaining its quality of life)?

So as the county holds these visioning meetings May 16 to June 2 — you can find the schedule at — I hope you can get to one or more, listen and offer your opinion.

I’ve expressed mine in past columns, and hope to continue to do so.

I’ve been somewhat disappointed with the visioning process so far. As important as it is — looking at the future of a maturing county that could continue to be unique or go the way of others in South Florida — I’m concerned.

The visioning process began in October with consultants providing a slim menu of growth options at a meeting at the county’s Intergenerational Center.

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Indian River County and its municipalities have agreed to pave roads, provide water and other urban services for property owners in shaded areas shown here in a map of the county provided in October 2021. Outside, especially in a large portion of western Indian River County, zoning is more restrictive.
Indian River County and its municipalities have agreed to pave roads, provide water and other urban services for property owners in shaded areas shown here in a map of the county provided in October 2021. Outside, especially in a large portion of western Indian River County, zoning is more restrictive.

Times OK for working families

Planners told about 80 attendees land for about 35,000 potential residential units is available inside the urban service area, including 10,000 in existing or approved subdivisions and 25,000 on undeveloped land. That translates to about 80,000 people, but there are tens of thousands of acres outside the urban service area.

Three things troubled me, including two I wrote about:

First, the initial visioning meetings I attended — during the workday — were dominated by insiders (government officials, developers, others in the construction industry and representatives of land owners).

There was a notable lack of young people (who will be most affected by future decisions) and minorities.

That’s why it’s so important working folks get to upcoming evening meetings. If they can’t get to one this week, they should plan ahead to attend one 6 p.m. May 25 at the Intergenerational Center 1590 Ninth St. S.W., Vero Beach, and/or June 2 at the Gifford Community Center, 4855 43rd Ave.

Second, consultants at the meetings seemed to offer relatively simple, boilerplate solutions to growth challenges — the kind of options used by counties I’d argue Indian River County wouldn’t want to emulate.

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Visioning principles align with yours?

Ultimately, the six visioning principles finally proposed by consultants Kimley-Horn to guide future planning efforts seem OK:

  • Conservation of sensitive environmental land.

  • Diversity of housing types that include affordable options.

  • Infrastructure improvements that provide mobility and multimodal transportation options.

  • Promote a healthy economy.

  • Maintain agriculture.

  • Maintain rural character.

The devil is in the details of how to reach these goals, which leads to my third concern:

Indian River County will have to find experts — probably not the same old Kimley-Horn consultants — to help question and design growth and development strategies to get what we want.

Finding such expertise is one of the goals of the Indian River Neighborhood Association, which has talked about putting together a citizen committee to do just that.

The county has some knowledgeable local planners — Lisa Frazier in Sebastian, Mark Mathes in Fellsmere and Jason Jeffries in Vero Beach. Perhaps they could collaborate with county government leaders and the IRNA to find consultants who have track records of reaching the goals residents want.

Two things are for sure:

  • The more public input the county gets, the better chances it will have at meeting all county residents’ needs.

  • We — as many local governments, nonprofits and residents as possible — need to pull in the same direction to rescue and-or preserve the things we love about this county.

Change is inevitable. Doing it right isn’t.

This column reflects the opinion of Laurence Reisman. Contact him via email at, phone at 772-978-2223, or Twitter @LaurenceReisman

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Growth weary? Your chance to help save Vero Beach, Sebastian | Opinion