Shredded T-shirts used as toilet paper clogged California city's sewer, officials believe

REDDING, Calif. – The toilet paper shortage is leading some people to resort to other ways of wiping and it caused a problem for part of the Redding sewer system Wednesday night.

Someone apparently used shredded T-shirts when they didn't have toilet tissue, wastewater management officials said Thursday.

As a result, one of the city's sewer lines backed up at a lift station and workers had to take quick action to avert a dangerous spill.

"The pumps were clogged by what appeared to be shredded T-shirts that were used in place of toilet paper," the city said.

If you don't have toilet paper, city wastewater officials have this advice for other materials: "Bag it. Don't flush it."

Sewer officials: Don't flush these materials down the toilet

Ryan Bailey, assistant director of public works, said a resident called to say a toilet wasn't flushing.

"Their system wasn't working well," Bailey said.

He didn't know if the person who called caused the T-shirt clog.

"It could've been any number of the houses on the street," Bailey said.

A wastewater crew responded and removed the cut-up T-shirts to unblock the line.

On Thursday, city workers went to the area to put out door hangers that reminded residents about what can and can't be flushed down toilets.

Bailey and his fellow workers have a saying when it comes to toilets.

"Anything and everything is flushable, but it doesn't mean that it's OK to put it down the toilet," he said.

The city's wastewater department says it's crucial not to clog sewage systems especially during the COVID-19 emergency.

Sewer officials in other areas of the country are also urging homebound, toilet paper-strapped residents to think twice before flushing other materials down their commodes.

That goes for paper towels, tissues, napkins and the bane of many sewer systems, "flushable" wipes.

“They are not flushable, and they are not biodegradable,” said Stephen Renner, director of the Department of Sanitary Engineering in Franklin County, Ohio. “They wreak havoc in our system. ... Please don’t flush those down the toilet.”

Contributing: Marc Kovac and Ryan Miller, USA TODAY Network. Follow Mike Chapman at @mikechapman_RS

This article originally appeared on Redding Record Searchlight: Flushed T-shirts clog California city's sewer amid toilet paper panic