The Shining Object Syndrome and Why You Should Give Google+ a Chance in Marketing

The Shining Object Syndrome and Why You Should Give Google+ a Chance in Marketing image The Shining Object Syndrome and why you should give Google a chance in marketing DONE6
The Shining Object Syndrome and Why You Should Give Google+ a Chance in Marketing image The Shining Object Syndrome and why you should give Google a chance in marketing DONE6

You’ve probably heard of some jokes about Google+, especially the one about it being a social networking site for Google employees. While it’s not in any way close to the truth (earlier this year, it outranked Twitter to hold the #2 spot), the implication is one of sheer mockery.

It’s like the quintessential underdog which a bunch of people secretly loving and supporting, while some speculate on whether it has hidden powers, and the rest just totally ignoring its existence.

What had caused this taboo against Google+?

Well, first of all, it’s not hip.

The disease

Most of us suffer under the Shining Object Syndrome or the tendency to be attracted to whatever is the newest or the “coolest” thing out there. Google+ never really made such an impression among the online community especially the young, who are obviously more spellbound by Facebook and Twitter. But why is Google+ still at #2? Because the business world appreciates it.

The largest shares of Google+ users are male and the highest numbers start from age 24 up to 44, the average age of the corporate world. The 0-18-year old bracket only accounts for 6%. As you can see, young people don’t see Google+ as “cool”.

This, among other reasons, makes companies hesitant in using Google+ in their marketing efforts (at least for those who aren’t aware of the truth).

It’s no Facebook

Clueless marketers should start to realize that Google+ never intended to dethrone Facebook as the social media giant. Google+ is more aimed at providing people a platform to share content, and by “content” it means more than just photos of pouty-lipped teenagers or adorable puppies. The “content” here is mostly professional in nature, and it facilitates in marketers’ efforts to succeed in Google’s own search rankings.

Google+ promotes “Circles” wherein people share common interests, activities and topics, as opposed to the relationship-oriented theme of Facebook. These “Circles” are a great tool for marketers to filter target markets and even expose their company blogs, email lists and YouTube channels.

So you would see why companies ought to be delighted by this blessing, but its potential is not yet made known to everyone, or everyone just simply plays deaf to it.

Rising star

It’s funny to even think that Google+ is a little guy in this game, considering that it’s steadily growing in number and the mere reality that it’s a brainchild of Google. Eventually, it will roll out more features that are more business-friendly and it will end up being the ultimate business platform – a combination of what Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn have to offer.

This content originally appeared at Sales and Marketing Blog.

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